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Are you ready to take your trading skills to the next level? Join Prime Tech Academy and learn the fundamentals of options and forex trading - perfect for beginner traders! Unlock the potential of the financial markets and start your journey to financial freedom today.

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Step 1

Choose your course


Learn to Trade, Live Your One Life at PRIME TECH Academy

Tier 1: Foundation to Trading Edge

Dive into the foundational concepts of trading with our meticulously crafted course. Tailored for both beginners and intermediate traders, this tier establishes a robust understanding of the trading world. You'll explore the principles of  forex trading, technical analysis, risk management, and more. By the end of this course, you will possess a solid trading edge, priming you for the advanced strategies and techniques in Tier 2.



Education Course on Trading and developing your trading edge in any market

Tier 2: Trading in the Zone

For traders looking to advance beyond the basics, our "Trading in the Zone" course is the next pivotal step. Delve deeper into complex trading strategies, psychological aspects of trading, and advanced technical analysis tools. We've designed this tier to empower you with the advanced knowledge and insights required to navigate the trading arena with confidence and precision. With a keen focus on fostering a trader's mindset, you'll be equipped to tackle challenges and capitalize on opportunities like never before.


Education Course Tier 2 - Trading in the zone like a pro
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At Prime Tech Academy, we believe in empowering traders at every step of their journey. Whether you're laying the groundwork or refining your approach, our courses are designed to propel you to the next phase of your trading career.

    Yes with certain services, if you purchase a monthly license when you sign up your membership is set to automatically reoccur. This will continue indefinitely unless you decide to cancel your membership.
    Absolutely! If you are not satisfied, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Of course, before you leave, we would love to receive your feedback to help us improve!
    There are no refunds available. The value we provide takes a lot of effort from myself and many other contributors. It would not be fair to anyone to receive a free pass into an exclusive group of traders. You can Always visit our policy pages to read on it more.
    There are no guarantees in trading. If you don’t take trading seriously and spend time developing your own trading edge, don’t expect our trading community to instantly make you successful. Unfortunately, this is true with anything in life.
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